Keynote Speakers

Session Keynote-1

Keynote Speaker 1: Sami Kahn

9:15 AM — 10:00 AM EDT
Mar 26 Sat, 8:15 AM — 9:00 AM CDT

Another ‘M’ for STEM: Moral Considerations for Advancing STEM Literacy

Sami Kahn

While career readiness and global competitiveness are often cited as rationales for quality STEM education, a broader view of scientific literacy, one that envisions students as members of an informed citizenry able to reason thoughtfully and ethically through increasingly complex STEM issues, is critical. Particularly with an increased emphasis on engineering in U.S. science education standards, STEM education, Dr. Kahn will argue, must serve as both a context for moral development by expanding student argumentation and discourse to include the consequences of STEM decision making and also a conduit for advancing a more just and equitable society through broader engagement and participation. To illustrate how these visions might be realized in the K-16 classroom, Dr. Kahn will discuss how educators can transform a typical STEM lesson into a “moral” STEM lesson through the incorporation of two curricular frameworks, Socioscientific Issues (SSI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the manner in which STEM content, practices, and rigor can be preserved and enhanced while widening curricular objectives to include the development of an informed, reflective, and inclusive STEM-literate citizenry.

Session Chair

Nagi Naganathan (Northrop Grumman)

Session Keynote-2

Keynote Speaker 2: Steve O'Brien

10:00 AM — 10:45 AM EDT
Mar 26 Sat, 9:00 AM — 9:45 AM CDT

Stories of Integrative-STEM, K-12 and HigherEd

Steve O’Brien

Dr. O'Brien will review how Integrative-STEM approaches have been used successfully in the K-12 space, and HigherEd. Some of these experiences are "classroom only" where the impacts are intended for a single classroom, while other experiences are intended to change how a whole school functions.

Session Chair

Roger Ding (US Navy)

Session Keynote-3

Keynote Speaker 3: Sharnet Chavis

10:45 AM — 11:30 AM EDT
Mar 26 Sat, 9:45 AM — 10:30 AM CDT

IEEE- Honoring Your Resilient Spirit

Sharnet Chavis

It’s takes many things working synergistically for a person to achieve to their full potential. Resiliency is a key factor to every persons success. Today you will learn how to build your resiliency, how to harness your strengths, how your connects offer support, ways to utilize joy and gratitude in your daily experiences, and you will be able to develop a set of practical mindful techniques to support your resiliency. Today we will, IEEE- Identify, evolve, embrace and endure to lay a good resilient foundation for your social and emotional well being. Everything offered today will be useful for students, parents, teachers and learners of any age or abilities.

Session Chair

Ashutosh Dutta (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab)

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