15th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference
— 8:30 AM - 5 PM EDT, Saturday, March 15
Onsite Venue - McDonnell and Jadwin Halls, Princeton University, NJ - Virtual Attendees - Enter Zoom Room
Introduction & Opening Remarks
Poster 02 (Non-K12) — Poster Remote
Designing (ladder logic) the human-machine interface on-off controller with the Vision 350 PLC electronic devices
Trung Q Tchiong (Upper Darby School District, USA)
Introduction to Data Quality Issues in Solar Weather Analysis
Ima Begum (Montclair State University, USA)
Stereochemical Analysis of Chelators in Cancer Therapy Using Computational Optimization
Elliot Shi (Binghamton University, USA)
Simplified Mathematical Guide to Cyber Assets, Value, and Risk for K-12 Students
Prashant Vajpayee and Gahangir Hossain (University of North Texas, USA)
Poster 01 — Poster Remote
Introducing Semiconductor Chip design at high school level - From Idea to prototype
Kapilan Karunakaran (Mira Loma High School, USA)
Chemically Induced Hypoxia Attenuates TGF-β-Induced Fibrosis via COX2-PGE2-cAMP Axis in Human Lung Fibroblasts
Aditya Shah (Woodbridge Academy Magnet School, USA); Emma Pan (Highland Park High School, USA); Gaoyuan Cao and Reynold R. Panettieri (Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science, USA)
Smart Farming
Mrinalini Suresh Kumar (West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North, USA); Dev Shaurya Dosapati (West Windsor Plainsboro High School North, USA)
Real-Time Pothole Detection From Blurred Road Imagery With Deep Learning Networks
Youngjae Sim (Korea International School, Korea (South))
NeRF Reconstruction Quality Under Various Image Artifacts
Alexander Z Xiang (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Monitoring Of Vertical Object Status By Tilt Angle Sensing
Hoi-Man Si (Cognitio College (Kowloon), Hong Kong); Hon-Shing Or (Cognitio College (Kowloon) Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Poster 02 — Poster Remote
Water Leakage and Rainfall Monitoring By Water Level Sensor
Ka-Ho Shun and Wai-Hin Lee (Cognitio College (Kowloon), Hong Kong)
A Machine Learning Approach for Drug Discovery from Plant-derived Natural Products: Prediction of Biological Activities of Secondary Metabolites and Enzyme Commission Numbers of Enzymes
Leoni Kim (Chadwick International School, Korea (South))
Using Raman Spectroscopy to Observe Molybdenum Disulfide
Jason Hu (Marriotts Ridge High School, USA)
2D Automated Temperature Measurements During the Wound Surface Scanning Using a DBD Plasma Jet
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Akhil Bandla (Dublin High School, USA); Aayusha Patel (Cupertino High School, USA); Manuel Espindola (San Jose State University, USA)
Repurposing Invasive Species to Mitigate Agricultural Weeds:
Diya Rajan (Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, USA)
The Rise of DAOs in Gaming: Governance, Economy, and Career Shifts
Veer Varma (John P Stevens High School, USA); Aaliya Varma (School & John Adams Middle School, USA)
Poster 03 — Poster Remote
Genetic Stability at Risk: Mutations from GMOs and Environmental DNA Oxidation by Biphenyl and BPDE
Minjun Hwang (Phillips Exeter Academy, USA)
Ensemble Learning Algorithms to Predict Scaffold/Matrix Attachment Regions
Angela Li, Shreya Krishnakumar, Adithi Aia, Sofie Budman, Sathvega Somasundaram and Clinton R Cunha (ASDRP, USA)
KIOSK Voice Assistant Using ChatGPT
Sangyoon Jung (Korea (South))
Identifying Factors Influencing Variety Show Popularity Through Social Media Data Analytics and Topic Modeling
Leqi Xiong (Hillfield Strathallan College, Canada)
Varying RONS Species in DBD Helium Plasma for Therapeutic Optimization in Wound Healing
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Sahana Prasad (Adrian Wilcox High School, USA); Swetha Mantha (Santa Clara High School, USA); Kiran Manghnani (University of SAN Francisco, USA)
Risk-Aware AI: Training a Materialistic Chess Player
Shuya Li (JHU APL, USA)
Poster 04 — Poster Remote
An Explainable AI Algorithm for COVID-19 Detection Based on Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
Krithi Tandyala (Mission San Jose High School, USA)
A Fire Spread Analysis Using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and Data Visualization
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Arnav Biruduraju (Mission San Jose High School, USA); Anya Shah (Leland High School, USA); Yagnik Chilamakuri (Basis Independent Fremont, USA)
EEG Sensors: Implications for Medical Applications
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Karan Shah (Bellarmine College Preparatory, USA); Manjula Keshavagari (Analog Devices, USA)
Comparative Study of Experimental and Modeling of a High-power LED panel performance using ANSYS Modeling
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Ayaan M Raza (Bellarmine College Preparatory, USA)
Predicting Tornado Occurrence in the US Tornado Alley Using Time Series Algorithms
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Rajvir Singh (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Ishaan Rao (South Forsyth High School, USA)
The Neurodevelopmental Basis of Homicidal Ideation
Unnati Dharamshi (Redmond Highschool, USA & Self, USA)
Poster 05 — Poster Remote
Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting of Film Genres Emerging Globally
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Sunny Yang (American High School, USA)
Multisource Neural Network for Prediction of Superfund Sites Using Socioeconomic Data and Satellite Imagery
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Karthik Sabhanayakam (Basis Independent Silicon Valley, USA); Arya Kamat (Evergreen Valley High School, USA)
Study on Power Spectral Density by Improving Electroencephalography Signal Quality
Jieun Kim (The Stony Brook School, USA)
Dealing With Imbalanced Loan Default Data To Develop Predictive Models
Ebrahim A Jamil (University of Houston, USA); Jai Manghnani (Archbishop Mitty High School, USA)
Linking Neural Anatomy to Genetics: Advancing Neuromodulation through Multi-Level Analysis
Yuvha Karthikeyan (Solon High School, USA)
Evaluation of domestic and internationally-trained YOLO license plate recognition models
Joshua Tewolde (Grand Blanc High School, USA); Girma Tewolde (Kettering University, USA)
Poster 06 — Poster Remote
Exploring tryptophan as a possible accelerator of planarian regeneration
Ayush Shrivastava and Iaroslav Baicev (Princeton High School, USA)
SigNify: A Camera-Based Device for Interpreting Filipino Sign Language
Juwan Carlos V. Casuco (La Salle Greenhills, Philippines); Ethan Jude Diño Tan, Juan Lorenzo Argonza Zipagan and Joachim Manuel Antonio Marasigan Parras (La Salle Green Hills, Philippines)
Development of a Portable Device for Detecting and Quantifying Sugar Substitutes in daily Beverages
Trinity Xu (Appleby College, Canada)
Creation of Cardiovascular Statistics Analysis Tool
Re-creating Arago's Disc
Isaac Martin (School, USA)
LLM-Guided Program Exploration and Analysis of Computer Security Challenges (LG-PEACE)
Albert Cao (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory & Centennial High School, USA)
A Simplified Approach of AI Learning for K-12 Students
Saanvi Vajpayee (Allen ISD, USA)
An IoT-Based Warning System for Children inside Hot or Stolen Cars
Rhianna Y Fang (Newton North High School, USA)
How The Rednote Stands Out in the Fierce Competition of Short Video & E-commerce Platforms Background
Yang Hu (Highschool, China & Shenzhen College of International Education, China)
How Humans Perceive AI Music
Eric Yuchen Wang (Rapidamic Lab, Canada)
Machine Learning-Driven Analysis of Temperature and Proximity Effects on Landfill Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Alexandra Ni (Blacksburg High School, USA)
Keynote 1
IEEE: Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators
Mary Ellen Randall (2025 IEEE President-Elect)
Keynote 2
Humanitarian Technologies programs in IEEE
Grayson Randall (Chairperson - 2025 IEEE Humanitrain Technology Board)
Keynote 3
Computational Thinking to AI thinking - How we must change the way we teach skills
Dr. Ananda Gunawardena (Professor of Computer Science, Rutgers University)
Morning Break / Registration / Posters / Exhibits
Keynote 4
Bottom-up Medical Superintelligence
Prof.Niraj K. Jha (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Princeton University)
Keynote 5
AI for Impact: building government tools and AI talent through student fellowships with the State of New Jersey
Dr. Walker Gosrich (AI Research and Management Fellow NJ Governance Lab)
Panel Discussion Session
Responsible Use of AI in STEM Education
Panelists: Dr. Matthew Johnson, Ana Mendes, Dr. Joy Barnes-Johnson, Karim Rifai Burneo, Dr. Mo Zhang
Poster 01 — Poster In-Person
Camp VEXperts: Training the Trainers
Andrew Lu (Oyster River High School, USA)
Neuroplasticity and Its Role in Occupational Rehabilitation
Shinaya Jain (Woodbridge Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences, USA)
Youth-led Coding Camps to Inspire More Girls to Pursue Computing
Khushi Khurana (Moorestown High School, USA)
Towards Embodied Immersive Training for Human-Drone Interactions in Wildfire Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Richard Z. Li (Longmeadow High School, USA); Yu Hou (Western New England University, USA)
Safe School Water Initiative, A Comprehensive Study on Water Quality Testing Among Schools
Cindy Yu (Marriotts Ridge High School, USA); Meghan Huntoon (Griptape, USA)
Implementing eXplainable AI Techniques with the Captum Library for Interpretable CNNs in Disease Detection
Anirudh Ayyadevara, Advi Wehzan and Trisha Sallakonda (ASDRP, USA)
Poster 01 (Non-K12) — Poster In-Person
A Nova Robot Dog System
David Hernandez (John F. Kennedy High School, USA); Lynn Hazelman (Montclair University, USA & Paterson Public Schools, USA); Weitian Wang (Montclair State University, USA)
Drones as a Platform for Integrated STEM Education: Bridging Engineering, Programming, and Real-World Applications
Buyan Danzurun (Custom Drone Solutions, USA)
"Enhancing RF Classifier Security: Machine Learning-Based Detection of Spoofing and Jamming Attacks"
Julia Rodano and Katherine G. Herbert (Montclair State University, USA)
Poster 02 — Poster In-Person
Resolving 3D Printing Issues: Insights from Manufacturer Guides, AI Assistance, and Forums
Chiray Hsieh (Marriotts Ridge High School, USA); Shan Zhong (CIENA Corp., USA)
A Novel AI System for Generating and Optimizing 3D Interior Designs for Personalized Spaces
Atharva R Abhyankar (Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, USA)
Evaluating the Potential Application of Available LLMs in Simulation-Based Patient-Physician Cases and Development of Virtual Patient Cases for Medical-Based Education
Martin Kushnerov, Anjan Rao and Tarun Rajesh (ASDRP, USA)
Street Crossing Safety
Vihaan D Jain (USA)
CyberForce in Kinematics: Modelling the Impact of Cyberattacks on FLL Missions
Julia Lu (Deerfield Academy, USA)
Poster 03 — Poster In-Person
Investigating Amyloid-Beta and RAGE Interactions in Alzheimer's Disease Using Human Brain Organoids: Implications for Therapeutic Targeting
Annabelle Y Wu (River Hill High School, USA)
Developing a Magnetic Keyboard Switch With Adjustable Actuation Force
Melinda L Zhao (Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, USA)
PomEEGo: An EEG-Based Monitoring and Analytics System To Reduce Physician Burnout and Enhance Patient Safety
Heng Ye, Saaketh Manepalli, Efthimios Papadopoulos and Ethan J Kim (Smithtown High School West, USA)
In silico inhibitor analysis of ran binding protein 9 (RanBPM) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Suhruth S Koneru (Marvin Ridge High School, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Balls, Balls, and Even More Balls: The Physics and Interface of a Pool Ball Game
Saiyuj P Kobla and Brian B Chen (Montgomery High School, USA)
Estimating the heritability and genetic correlation of four psychiatric disorders based on rare variants
Chengkai Hu (Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, USA)
Poster 04 — Poster In-Person
Classifying Drones and Birds from Images using Deep Neural Networks
Aaron T Zhong (River Hill High School, USA); Janet Zhang (JHUAPL, USA)
A Caenorhabditis Elegans Model Challenges Meclizine Potential as a Lifespan-Extending mTORC1 Inhibitor
Aradhya Vijay (West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, USA)
Predicting Compound Melting Temperature from Computationally Derived Properties via Machine Learning
Amy Lin (Princeton High School, USA)
For the Love of Peat: An Eco-Friendly Growing Medium for Microgreens
Anwita Wadekar (Worcester Academy, USA)
Design Strong Bridges
Ayaan K Patel (Brooks Crossing Elementary School, USA)
Poster 05 — Poster In-Person
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization: A Machine Learning Approach to Accelerating Aircraft Design
Aarav Dixit, Akshay Lakkur and Anya Li (ASDRP, USA); Chloe W Lui (ASDRP); Sathvik Malla and Chris Degrendele (ASDRP, USA)
Framing Effects on Large Language Models
Kelvin S Zebah Singh Alfred (High School-Seven Lakes High School, USA); Srikrishna Brihadishwara Rajarajan (Claudia Taylor Lady Bird Johnson High School, USA)
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Impact of Social Media Usage on High School Students' Learning
Rayhan Roswendi (Walt Whitman High School, USA)
Introduction of Gears: learning from playing for 3-5 years old children
Detecting Deforestation in the Amazon: a Computer Vision Approach to Environmental Threats
Simran K Cheema (School, USA)
G6PD App: Helping the G6PD Community
Nived Narendran (USA)
Poster 06 — Poster In-Person
Evaluating the Moral Development of Large Language Models
Srikrishna Brihadishwara Rajarajan (Claudia Taylor Lady Bird Johnson High School, USA); Kelvin S Zebah Singh Alfred (High School-Seven Lakes High School, USA)
Emission Spectroscopy for Tracking Reactive Nitrogen and Oxygen Species in DBD Plasma
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Tanishka Taware (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Sanjana Venkatesh (University Preparatory Academy, USA); Faizi R. Zaidi (Edna Hill Middle School, USA); Kiran Manghnani (University of SAN Francisco, USA)
A Vision System for a 3D Wound Surface Detection in Plasma Medical Applications
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Vyaas Baskar (Lynbrook High School, USA); Bhavya Bellannagari (Columbia University, USA)
Enhancing 3D Printing Technology with Induced Vibrations and Embedded Epoxy
Manuel Espindola and Ayati Vyas (San Jose State University, USA); Shreyas Ravada (Monta Vista High School, USA); Venkat Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA)
Gaging Students' Academic Success by using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Aditya Rapaka (Menlo Atherton High School, USA)
Poster 07 — Poster In-Person
The Silent Catalyst: Chronic Stress-Induced Serotonin Signaling as a Novel Driver of Brain Metastasis
Dhairya Mathur (West Windsor Plainsboro High School South, USA & USA, USA)
Mathematical Insights into the Doppler Effect
Sierra Beamer (Northport High School, USA)
Early Stage Responsive Drone for Urban High-rise Building Fire
Chris Rhee (High School, USA); Ellena Suh (Langley High School, USA)
The Impact of the Social Media Echo Chamber in Shaping Beliefs
Emma Li (Princeton High School, USA)
Drone-Assisted NDVI Analysis for Precision Agriculture: An Affordable Approach to Targeted Pesticide Application and Sustainable Crop Management
Troy Chou (USA)
The Silent Catalyst: Chronic Stress-Induced Serotonin Signaling as a Novel Driver of Brain Metastasis
Dhairya Mathur (West Windsor Plainsboro High School South, USA & USA, USA)
Mathematical Analysis of Origami Tessellations and Symmetry Groups
Rishi Balaji (Stanford Online High School, USA)
AI for Automated Sports Highlights
Ezra Sol Lerman (Princeton High School, USA); Judah Lerman (Princeton Middle School, USA); Isaac Martin (School, USA)
The Harmony of STEM and Music Education
Anya S Aziz (Central Bucks High School East, USA)
StickerShop: A Python Shopping Cart Program
Agneya D Pooleery (Transit Middle School, USA)
Full Paper Track 01 — Remote
FSCsec: Collaboration in Financial Sector Cybersecurity - Exploring the Impact of Resource Sharing on IT Security
Sayed Abu Sayeed (Florida Atlantic University, USA); Mir Mehedi Rahman (Emporia State University, USA); Samiul Alam (University of South Alabama, USA); Naresh Kshetri (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
dataLDA: Analyzing Data Quality in Big Data Using Traditional Approaches vs. Latent Dirichlet Allocation - Systematic Review
Sayed Abu Sayeed (Florida Atlantic University, USA); Naresh Kshetri (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Mir Mehedi Rahman (Emporia State University, USA); Samiul Alam (University of South Alabama, USA); Abdur Rahman (Emporia State University, USA)
A Simulation Engine for Autonomous UAV Path Planning and Delivery Optimization Using A Algorithm
Ankit Tiwari (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, USA)
Development of a Custom-Made Industrial Laboratory Test Bench for Motor Drive Systems: A Bridge Between STEM Education and Industry Applications
Mohammad H Salah (The Hashemite University, Jordan); Alaa Alghazo and Shatha Ahmad (Hashemite University, Jordan)
A Dive into the Use of Image Processing and Object Detection to Identify COPD
Prithvi S Krishnan (Westwood High School, USA)
Goos-Gambit: An Educational Card Game
Kanishka R Raikwar, Aryan Sheth and Navya Shrivastava (KJ Somaiya College of Engineering, India); Prasanna Jaichandrao Shete (K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, India)
Full Paper Track 02 — Remote
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Revenue Growth of Small Business
Prithvi S Krishnan (Westwood High School, USA)
MONair: Deploying a Low-Cost IoT-based Air Quality Monitoring Network in Guatemala
Oscar Rodas (Universidad Galileo & Tesla Lab, Guatemala); Gabriela Subuyu (Universidad Galileo, Guatemala); Angel Isidro (Universidad Galileo & Tesla Lab, Guatemala); Willson Jefferson Alexander Navarro Rodriguez (Galileo University, Guatemala); Roberth Bautista (Universidad Galileo, Guatemala)
Tracing the Journey: From an Arts and Trades High School to a State University
Anna Mae Sales Olan (National University, Philippines)
STEM program management and outreach in different locations of a country - Case Bolivian NASA HERC STEM activities
Fabio Diaz Palacios (Universidad Catolica Boliviana & CIDIMEC, Bolivia); Selene Condori Mendez, Laura Choque Mamani, Alvaro Daniel Callata Suxo, Dayana Andrade Roque, Adrian Acarapi Roca and Andrea Lucia Bernal Benavides (Universidad Catolica Boliviana, Bolivia)
Exploring Cybersecurity Challenges, Strategies, and Implications in Healthcare: A Qualitative Study
Thierry L Mbacop (University of the Cumberlands, USA & Fiirst Supreme Group, USA); Elyson A De La Cruz (University of the Cumberlands, USA & Imagine Believe Realize LLC, USA); Geeta Sandeep Nadella and Hanh Le (University of the Cumberlands, USA); Anna Marie R De La Cruz (Herzing University, USA); Oludotun Oni (University of the Cumberlands, USA)
A Novel Computer Vision Classifier Identifying Alzheimer's Stages From MRI Scans
Maryam Solaiman (ASDRP, USA & Mission College, USA); Fatimah Solaiman (Mission College, USA)
Full Paper Track 03 — Remote
Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid Exposure using a Machine Learning Based Approach
Mofe Oluwashola Jeje (University of North Dakota, USA)
Establishing Standards for ICT-Supported Innovative Learning in Early Childhood Education: A Focus Group Analysis
ZHU Binyong (UHTM, China & Quanzhou Preschool Education College, Malaysia); D'oria Rosli (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia)
Creation of an intelligent chatbot for the distribution of government schemes
Vinotha S and Janagiraman S (St. Joseph's Institute Of Technology, India); Mithun P (St Josephs Institute of Technology, India); Vidhyasri J (St. Joseph's Institute of Technology, India)
Transforming K-10 Motivation and Engagement Through Flipped Classrooms and Peer-Led Learning
Mekdad Slime (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
Activity Diagrams as Cognitive Bridges: Revolutionizing Programming Education with AI
Kuan Yeh Lin (National Kaohsiung Normal University & National Feng-Hsin Senior High School, Taiwan); Po-Hsun Cheng (National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan & Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan); Li-Wei Chen (National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan)
STEM Benefits for Students with Disabilities
Angela McDaniel (West Virginia University, USA)
Full Paper Track 04 — Remote
Facilitating Learning Through Role Inversion: The Flipped Role Methodology with AI Integration
Daniele Zolezzi and Luca Martini (University of Genoa, Italy); Gianni Vercelli (University of Genoa - DIBRIS, Italy)
Empowering Ethical Hacking Education with Generative AIs: A ChatGPT-Infused Curriculum
Yang Wang, Kevin C Beideman, Jr. and Margaret McCoey (La Salle University, USA); Maryam Jalalitabar (California State University, Northridge, USA)
Intervening with At-risk Freshmen in Programming-Methodologies and Designs
Yang Wang and Yuehan Yin (La Salle University, USA); Maryam Jalalitabar (California State University, Northridge, USA)
Enhancing Workforce Cyber Resilience: Bridging the Gap in ICS Protection
Abdullah Jawad, Noah Quesenberry, Husnu S Narman and Paulus Wahjudi (Marshall University, USA)
Impact of GenAI using Auto Content Generation Tools on Cognitive Thinking Process in Academia
Daniel Marimekala (Farmington High School, USA)
ChatGPT for Assessment Feedback on a Complex Programming Assessment
Aidan McGowan (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Full Paper Track 05 — Remote
How Mathematics Learning Attitudes Shape Computational Thinking among Lower Primary Students
Qi Luo (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao & Heyuan Polytechnic, China); Shuhan Zhang (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao); Lele Huang (Longchuan County Hui Long Town Central Primary School, China)
Advanced Encryption Techniques for Enhancing Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Environments
Parth Shah (University of Colorado Colorado Springs USA, USA); Samarth Shah (Google Inc., USA & Microsoft Inc, USA); Anurag Agrawal (Stanford University & Google, USA)
Forecasting occupancy count using Recurrent neural network (LSTM)
Sanish Rai and Alec Judd Vidanes (Longwood University, USA)
AlertNow: A Real-Time, Low Cost, Multi Modal Fusion System to Detect Gun Threats in US Schools
Aditya Khurana (Moorestown High School, USA)
Leveraging Business Intelligence and AI for Enhanced Decision-Making in Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Analysis
Ridho Bryan Ramadhani and Mardhatilah Shanti (BINUS University, Indonesia); Zainiyah Alfirdaus (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
Full Paper Track 06 — Remote
MonkeyPix: A Vision Transformer Solution for Efficient Monkeypox Detection in Low-resource Settings
Jackson Jonghyun Lee (Yongsan International School of Seoul, Korea (South))
Distinguishing AI-Generated and Real Images Using Swin-Transformer
Chaewon Kim (Korea (South))
Characterization of Multiple Sensors to Operate a Bionic Joint for Rehabilitation Applications
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Sidharth Swaminathan and Priyanka Santhosh (IntelliScience Institute, USA)
Building Occupancy Forecasting Using Transformers
Sanish Rai and Joey Baker (Longwood University, USA)
Multimodal Deep Learning Model for Predicting Thrombus Thickness and Elasticity Using Ultrasound Imaging
Jennifer Choi (Chadwick International, Korea (South))
A Study on the Artificial Intelligence Model Using Various Pre-processing Techniques for Crack Detection in Buildings
Catherine Yoonwon Shin (Korea International School, Korea (South))
Full Paper Track 07 — Remote
Integrating Engineering Ethics Education into the Curriculum for Intelligent Manufacturing Talent Development
Jianmin Sun, Qinghui Zhou, Shihu Yang and Zhe Liu (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China)
Improving Portfolio Stability with Shrinkage Estimation in Mean-Variance Optimization
Aditya Kirubakaran and Kevin Zhang (School, USA)
Exploring Student Perceptions on Integrating Multi-Modality in GenAI
Shile Zhang and Shuhan Zhang (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao); Weijian Liang (Shenzhen Pengcheng Technician College, China)
Engineering Students' Perceptions of AI and Educational Innovations in the Academic Setting
Hilda Cecilia Contreras Aguirre, Cristina Esparza and Luis Rodolfo Garcia Carrillo (New Mexico State University, USA)
NeuroViT-Net: A Study on Performance Improvement of a Transformer-Based Brain Tumor Classification Model
Hyunsun Kang (Branksome Hall Asia, Korea (South))
Advancements in Autonomous Drones for Enhanced Healthcare Logistics
Nithish Kumar R (Anna University & Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, India)
Full Paper Track 08 — Remote
StepGrade: Grading Programming Assignments with Context-Aware LLMs
Mohammad Akyash, Kimia Zamiri Azar and Hadi Mardani Kamali (University of Central Florida, USA)
Impact of Exposure Time on RONS Concentration Measurements in Plasma-Water Interaction
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Sonya Sar (BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, USA)
Optimized Lightweight Architecture for Drone-Based Solar Panel Contamination Monitoring
Yiejun Yi (Newton Academy, Korea (South))
Full Paper Track 09 — Remote
Bispecific DuoBody Antibody Targeting 4-1BB on Cancer Cells and PD-L1 on T-Cells for Immunotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Mohammad Aarish Khan (Williamsville North High School, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Integrating DevOps Knowledge Using a University-Based Software Engineering Course in Nigerian Universities
Usman Hamza (University of Science Malaysia Main Campus Penang H7 Room 322 & University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia); Nasuha Lee Abdullah (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia); Sharifah Mashita Syed-Mohamad (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia)
Advanced Framework for Loan Approval Predictions Using Artificial Intelligence-Powered Financial Inclusion Models
Sagar Bharat Shah (University of Cincinnati, USA)
Lost in Translation? LLMs, Education, and Linguistic Fairness
Noga Mudrik and Eva Yezerets (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Xiaoxuan Lei (McGill University, Canada); Clara Lemaitre (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Adrián P. Diéguez (University of A Coruña, Spain); Alekhya Dronavalli (University of Montreal, Canada); Alice Amitrano (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Amani Love (Summer H. Helms, Inc., USA); Amir Hossein Daraie (The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA); Anh Duong Vo (ETH AI Center, Switzerland); Ashwin De Silva (Johns Hopkins University, USA); Carolyna Yamamoto (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Dhwani Vaishnav (California State University Los Angeles, USA); Emma J. Jones (US Pharmacopeia, USA); Helen Yezerets (Indiana University, USA); Iuliia Dmitrieva (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Jayanta Dey (University of Texas, San Antonio, USA); Jerry Huang (MILA, Canada); Kesi Liang (Rice University, USA); Liang Xiang (The Johns Hopkins University, USA); Lou C. Kohler Voinov (Tsinghua University, China); Dyuthi Sristi (UCSD, USA); Ruthie Yezerets (Paramount Schools of Excellence, USA); Silja Sormunen (Aalto University, Finland); Vatanak Lavan (American University DC, USA)
Projecting and Comparing Obesity Trends Worldwide via Machine Learning Models
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Manasvini Tammineedi (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Sandhya Kumar (Lynbrook High School, USA); Devi Nair (Owan J Roberts High School, USA)
Full Paper Track 10 — Remote
Analyzing IBM Watson's Predictive Models for Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, and Heart Failure
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Mihir Maveli (Amador Valley High School, USA); Akshi Malhotra (Evergreen Valley High School, USA)
Design and Development of an Advanced Smart Cities Course for Engineering Undergraduates
Mohammad U. Mahfuz (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, USA)
Local Values as a Catalyst for Technology Integration in Quality Assurance
Hasan Baharun and Najiburrahman Najiburrahman (Nurul Jadid University, Indonesia); Zamroni Zamroni (UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, Indonesia); Lina Novita (Pakuan University, Indonesia); Lilis Kholisoh Nuryani (Galuh University, Indonesia); Febri Yanti (Nurul Jadid University, Indonesia)
AI-based career management to improve the quality of decision making in higher education
Muh Hamzah, Hasan Baharun and Achmad Fawaid (Nurul Jadid University, Indonesia); Rohimah Rohimah (Universitas Islam Assafiiyah, Indonesia); Sabran Sabran (UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, Indonesia); Izzatul Munawwaroh (Nurul Jadid University, Indonesia)
E- Kinerja In Bridging Performance Gap And Personalized Employees' Services In Tertiary Education
Abu Hasan Agus R and Fathor Rozi (Universitas Nurul Jadid, Indonesia); Ade Imelda Frimayanti (FKIP Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia); Ratih Purnamasari (Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia); Habib Anwar Al Anshori (UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda, Indonesia); Rizkiyah Hasanah (Nurul Jadid University, Indonesia)
Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Educators Using E-Learning Platforms: A Thematic Approach
Karthik Meduri and Geeta Sandeep Nadella (University of the Cumberlands, USA); Elyson A De La Cruz (University of the Cumberlands, USA & Imagine Believe Realize LLC, USA); Renjith Kathalikkattil Ravindran (Castlight Health, USA); Hari Gonaygunta and Oludotun Oni (University of the Cumberlands, USA)
Full Paper Track 11 — Remote
Effect of air pollution on growth of bean sprouts using different colors of light
Dingxuan He (Dulwich International High School Suzhou, China)
Bispecific RNA Aptamers for Mediating Blood-Brain Barrier Translocation via Insulin Receptors and Precision Targeting of EGFRvIII+ Glioblastoma Cells
Shresta Singh Antil and Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
EmoSocioGraph: A Knowledge Graph that tracks the development of social and emotional competencies of K12 students
Eleni Fotopoulou (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems / National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Anastasios Zafeiropoulos and Lydia Mavraidi (National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Èlia López Cassà (University of Barcelona, Spain); Symeon Papavassiliou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Facilitating Robot Kinematics Learning through Mixed Reality: Development of an Interactive Application
Kaden Wince (Ohio Northern University, USA); Xiangyi Cheng (Loyola Marymount University, USA)
Integrating Digital Transformation in Project Management Course for Undergraduates
Mohammad U. Mahfuz (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, USA)
Global Temperature Predictions Using Auto- ARIMA Model
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Puneet Nalluru (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Akshat Gupta (Dublin High School, USA)
Full Paper Track 12 — Remote
Personalized NextGen Product Design with GenAI
Adrik Ray (Huber Street Elementary School, USA)
The Impact of Learning Strategies and Mind Mapping on Student Academic Performance
Saharnaz Baghdadchi (UC San Diego, USA); Parham Farshihaghro (USA)
Thrust Coefficient Prediction In Hydrokinetic Turbines Using Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning
Advika Arya (American High School, USA); Uma Nair (Jesuit High School, USA); Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA)
Developing Female Leadership: Experience of Tashkent State University of Economics
Dilafruz Iskandarova, Aziza Irmatova and Gulnora Abdurakhmanova (Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan)
Enhancing A Holistic Approach Towards Computational Thinking Assessment in Education
Jenice M Lynch, Thomas Stokke, Amber Adgerson and Emanuel S Grant (University of North Dakota, USA)
The Gap Between Computational Thinking and Coding, and How to Bridge it
Catherine Yoonwon Shin (Korea International School, Korea (South)); Claire A Lee (Yongsan International School of Seoul, Korea (South)); Jiyoon Park (Branksome Hall Asia, Korea (South))
Full Paper Track 13 — Remote
The Effect of Integrated STEM Implementation on Digital Literacy Skills: A regression analysis
Yeni Anistyasari (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)
Hands-On Learning in Autonomous Vehicle Development: Outcomes of an NSF REU Program Using Real Vehicles
Joshua Siegel (Michigan State University, USA); Chan-Jin Chung (Lawrence Technological University, USA)
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Robofest: A Longitudinal Analysis of STEM Education Outcomes
Chan-Jin Chung (Lawrence Technological University, USA); Joshua Siegel (Michigan State University, USA)
Teacher Education for Data Science: How Teachers Integrate Data Science into Their Instruction for Middle-Grades Learners
Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA & University of Eastern Finland, Finland); Marissa Munoz (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA); Ruizhe Ma (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA); Fred G Martin (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Comparative Analysis of Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM and GPT-2 Models
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Joshua Hsieh (De Anza College, USA); Vivienne Ko (Homestead High School, USA); Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA)
Low-Cost, Open, High-Quality Raspberry Pi Citizen Science Projects as STEAM motivators
Srihari Yamanoor and Narasimha Sai Yamanoor (Self, USA)
Full Paper Track 14 — Remote
Self-Guided Learning of Statistic Analysis Through Lyme Disease and Climate Change as a Case Study
Laila Farraj and Malak Farraj (College Station High School, USA)
Simulation to Enrich Practical Learning Experience in ECE Principles for Mobility Systems Course
Girma Tewolde (Kettering University, USA)
An Empirical Study on the Chunk Writing Approach Based on the Perspective of Memes
Fei Yan Wu (Harbin University of Science and Technology, China)
Personalized Vocabulary Learning through Images: Harnessing Multimodal Large Language Models for Early Childhood Education
Ching Nam Hang (Saint Francis University (Hong Kong), Hong Kong); Sin Man Ho (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
A System to Detect Unconscious Bias Using Virtual Patients: Concept of Operations
Mohammad Nasfikur R Khan and Sean Walker (University of South Alabama, USA)
Targeting the Undruggable: Computational Simulations Identify Potent Bifunctional Degraders for the p53 Oncoprotein
Natalie Chen (Bridgewater-Raritan High School, USA)
Full Paper Track 15 — Remote
Enhancing Novice Programming Education through AI-Driven Mentorship and Project-Based Learning
Sreeja Vallamulla (Vedaverse Company, USA); Sai Veda Prakash Masetty (VedaVerse Company, USA)
Evaluating the Efficiency of Antioxidant Molecules Through Quantum Chemical and Stereochemical Analysis
So Min Lee (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Exploring the Competitive and Collaborative Use of Generative AI in STEM Education for Diverse and Inclusive Applications: A Case Study of Bilingual Education for Taiwan's Minority Ethnic Groups
Yu Cheng (Jiangnan University, China); Juewei Wang (Xiantao Experimental Primary School, China); Zhengyu Zhang, Haoxuan Li and Hongli Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong); Yang Zhou (Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao); Steve Wang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
An Evaluation of Technological Readiness for Big Data Analytics in Canadian Higher Education Institutions
Olateju Jumoke Ajanaku (The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Optimal Solution Implemented for Deadlock Problems of the FMSs Modeled and Simulating With Petri Nets
Mowafak Hassan Abdul-Hussin (University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq)
Development and Implementation of a Hands-On Robotic Course on Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles
Golnaz Habibi, Samuel Billerbeck, Daniel Vargas, Daniel Perez and Evan Mcculley (University of Oklahoma, USA)
Full Paper Track 16 — Remote
Electric-Vehicle Go-Kart "Grand Prix" to Engage Students in STEM Education: Autotronics-Challenge
Adrián Navarro Díaz (Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico); Pedro Cervantes, Oscar Eleno Carbajal Espinosa and Joaquín Campos Hidalgo (School of Engineering and Sciences Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
Works-In-Progress 03 — In-Person
Enhancing Tensile Strength in 3D-Printed Parts with Embedded Epoxy
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Ambika Palleti (Intelliscience Research Institute, USA); Ayati Vyas, Venkat Prasanna Kumar and Vimal Viswanathan (San Jose State University, USA)
Thrust Measurements of NACA Airfoils in a Small Dual-Rotor Helicopter
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Rohit Chadalavada (Dougherty Valley High School, USA); Ayati Vyas (San Jose State University, USA)
Targeted Inhibition of Oncogenic p300 Proteins Using Novel PROTACs for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy
Sreeram K Gourineni (Eigen Science, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Stratospheric balloon experiment contest for STEM education outreach in the Andes
Antonio Mendoza Gonzales (Energea/Tecnonautas Bolivia, USA)
Strategic Gamification for STEM: Transforming Projects into Interactive Learning Quests
Caitlin Johnson (Bold-Bird Consulting, Inc., USA); Mehdi Roopaei (University of Wisconsin - Platteville, USA)
Preliminary Results of Emotions Detection with AMIGO App
Yulia Kumar (Kean University, USA); Dov Kruger (Rutgers University, USA); Jose Marchena and Jenny Li (Kean University, USA)
Works-In-Progress 01 — Remote
Quantum Mechanical Investigation of the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Matter
Niyazi Yükçü and Sılay Aytaç Yükçü (Adıyaman University, Turkey)
The Use of Mathematica Software in Theoretical Molecular Structure Studies
Sılay Aytaç Yükçü and Niyazi Yükçü (Adıyaman University, Turkey)
Making STEM Accessible To All Students Worldwide in Particular Low-Income Countries
Papa Touty AD Traore (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal & Dakar, Fann, Senegal)
Improving Engineering Accreditation in United States Programs - Investigating Why ABET Accreditation is Superficial and Misguided
Frank Washko (Saint Martin's University, USA); William Edwards (Kettering University, USA); Leslie Washko (Saint Martin's University, USA); Shahlaa Al Wakeel (Saint Martins University, USA)
Hanoi Puzzle, Complexity Analysis of the Recursive, Iterative, and RBC Approaches
Mohammad El Ghabzouri (Mohammed First University, FSO, Oujda, Morocco)
Multi-Electrode DBD Plasma Torch Design with Drug Delivery Option for Wound Healing
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Srida Aliminati (BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, USA); Knox Hsieh (IntelliScience Institute, USA)
Works-In-Progress 02 — Remote
Crafting Speech Emotion Models with Image Representations
Ethan W Poon (Middlesex County Academy & Edison Academy Magnet School, USA)
Work in Progress: Teacher Questioning Strategy and Interactions in China's Online Tutoring
Jiajun Li (University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China)
Developing Holistic, Pluralistic Action Competency for Sustainability Through Courses with an Education Partner
Martha Elena Nunez Lopez, Miguel Xicotencatl Rodríguez-Paz and Asad Abbas (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
AI Machine Vision Based Robotic Arm For Pre-University Education
Kam C Sum (AIquanta Ltd., Singapore); Ki-Chung Wong (AIQUANTA LIMITED, Hong Kong); Siu-Ting Siu, Ho-Yin Chui and Cheuk-Lut Au (AIphotonics Limited, Hong Kong); Chiu F Li (Cognitio College Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Next Generation STEM: LoRaWAN Bridging Classrooms and IoT Innovations
Kam C Sum (AIquanta Ltd., Singapore); Wai Y. Chau and Jimmy Wu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong); Chiu F Li (Cognitio College Kowloon, Hong Kong); Yu-Hsing Wang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
The Role of Executive Functions on Computational Thinking: A Preliminary Study
Qi Luo (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao & Heyuan Polytechnic, China); Shuhan Zhang (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao); Lele Huang (Longchuan County Hui Long Town Central Primary School, China)
Works-In-Progress 03 — Remote
Eco-Friendly Plasma-Assisted Conversion of Chitin to Chitosan for Advanced Biomedical Applications
Aryan Tummala (BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, USA); Anshi Kothari (IntelliScience Institute, USA); Sumanth Mahalingam (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA)
Developing a Mobile App to Control and Enhance Communication for Swarm Robotics
Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA); Shreeya Ravali Kurapati (Khan Lab School, USA); Ishaan Lal (Evergreen Valley High School, USA); Disha Pamukuntla (Homestead High School, USA); Faizi R. Zaidi (Edna Hill Middle School, USA)
Predicting Psychological State of Students based on Physiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Attributes
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Deeya Agarwal (Presentation High School, USA); Jai Satrawada (Basis Independent Silicon Valley, USA)
Plasma Accelerated Seed Germination for Indoor Space Agriculture
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Srida Aliminati (BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, USA); Shreya Desai (Quimby Oak Middle School, USA)
Impact of DBD Plasma Exposures on Total Flavonoid Content in Robusta Coffee
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Aarthi Sethuraman (Leland High School, USA); Ashna Zavery (Crystal Springs Uplands School, USA)
Works-In-Progress 04 — Remote
Python Overheads Using Ackermann Function Benchmark: Performance and Power Consumption
Mohammad El Ghabzouri (Mohammed First University, FSO, Oujda, Morocco)
Misconceptions - Misunderstandings of 5th - 6th Grade Students in Programming: The Educators' Perspective
Sofia Theodoridou (International Hellenic University, Greece); Demosthenes Stamatis (Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece); Periklis Chatzimisios (International Hellenic University, Greece & University of New Mexico, USA)
Neuroplasticity in Sustainable Engineering Education (Work in Progress)
Samira Keivanpour (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada)
‘Impact of Consumer Analytics and AI on Inventory Management in UAE with reference to UN SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns" and SDG 2 Zero Hunger in UAE
Indrani Hazarika (Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates)
Cybersecurity Certification Based Program, for Hardware Security Systems
Kyriaki Tsantikidou and Nicolas Sklavos (University of Patras, Greece)
STEAM is NEW STEM: Integrating Digital Humanities with Engineering Education- Case Study from India
Richa Mishra (Institute of Technology, Nirma University, India); Padmanabh Mishra (University of Adelaide Australia, Australia)
Works-In-Progress 05 — Remote
GenAIprime: Generative AI for Remediation-Priming of Knowledge Gaps by Dynamically Creating Multimedia Learning Resources
Paul Amoruso, Ronald F DeMara and Baiyun Chen (University of Central Florida, USA)
K-12 Education: Explaining Cyber Value at Risk Using Electrical K-Map and Truth Table
Prashant Vajpayee and Gahangir Hossain (University of North Texas, USA)
Music Segmentation For Imageability in Content Creation
Bhavya Bellannagari (Columbia University, USA)
Enhancing a STEM Program to Foster the Inclusion of People with Visual Disabilities
Victoria Serrano, Katherine Valdes, Eduardo Lezcano, Yostin Espinosa, Jose Moran and Katherine Dominguez (Universidad Tecnologica de Panama, Panama); Hermes De Gracia (Ministerio de Ambiente, Panama)
A System to Detect Unconscious Bias Using Virtual Patients: System Specifications
Mohammad Nasfikur R Khan and Sean Walker (University of South Alabama, USA)
Enhancing Pre-College Students Readiness through Interactive Summer AI workshops
Tewodros A Zewde (Stevens Institute of Technolgy, USA)
Works-In-Progress 06 — Remote
Affordable Braille Display Technology for STEM Education: Enhancing Accessibility in Schools
Ansh Malhotra and Anush Devkar (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, USA)
Computational Modeling of Aptamer Targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
Anvi Joshi (Enloe Magnet High School, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Teaching Cybersecurity to High School Students Through CyberEscape Room in the Metaverse
Srikar Reddy Kanthala and Gahangir Hossain (University of North Texas, USA)
Engineering Circuit Design: from Simulations to Printed Circuits
Ashanthi S Maxworth (University of Southern Maine, USA)
Workshop 01 — In Person
Revolutionizing Qualitative Research in STEM: Harnessing the Power of TAIWO Framework
Taiwo R Feyijimi (University of Georgia, USA); Ibukun S Osunbunmi (Penn State University, USA)
Workshop 02 — In Person
Breaking Barriers: Advancing STEM Accessibility with AI-Driven Data and Analytics in Mobile Media Apps
Ranita Ganguly (Delaware State University, USA); Priyam Ganguly (Widener University, USA); Thrushna Matharasi (University of Bridgeport, USA)
Full Paper Track 01 — In-Person
Enhancing Cybersecurity Education Through Research-Based Role-Playing
Heena Rathore (Texas State University, USA); Henry Griffith (San Antonio College, USA)
Enterprise, Web and Mobile Course Development Through Frameworks and Code Generators
Michael Brown (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
Behavioral and Psychological Aspects of Employment and Tax Scams via a Social Engineering Competition
Hwanhee Park, Rachel Bleiman and Aunshul Rege (Temple University, USA)
A Novel AI System for Trustworthy and Accurate Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Max Z Li (The Pingry School, USA)
AI/ML Approach for Predictive Modeling of RNA Structures and Chemical Reactivity Profiles
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Jatin Sarabu (Bellarmine College Preparatory, USA)
Full Paper Track 02 — In-Person
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine for Prediction of Student Dropout and Success
Shanti Budha, Nathan Ho and Michael Brown (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
Harnessing AI to Optimize Energy Consumption in Academic Institutions to Combat Climate Change
John Lamb (Pace University, USA); Daniel Marimekala (Farmington High School, USA); Sidharth Krishnan (Suffern High School, NY, USA)
Microelectronics and VLSI Curriculum Development for Potential Workforce
Jabeom Koo (The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, USA)
Integrating Computational Thinking and Engineering Design in STEM: Exploring Logistics and Societal Impact
Alaina Cannella and Esther Douglass (Hillsdale Schools, USA); Katherine G. Herbert, Vaibhav Anu and Sumi Hagiwara (Montclair State University, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA); Stefan Robila and Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair State University, USA)
Integrating AI and Agile in STEM Education: A Case Study of Project-Based Learning in Technology Management
Andres Fortino (NYU, USA); Siranush Kostanyan (New York University, USA)
Full Paper Track 04 — In-Person
Integrated Fire Mitigation and Monitoring System (IFMMS)
Arzu Susoglu (University of Bridgeport, USA & SUNY Farmingdale, USA); Maria Khan and Laiba Ali (MDQ Academy, USA)
Deep Reinforcement Learning Optimization for the Body Centric Sensor Network Design
Lawrence He (University of Pennsylvania, USA); Jaxon Latture and Liang Zhang (University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA)
Prompt Engineering: A Comparative Study of Prompting Techniques in AI Language Models
Jothan Almeida (SB High School, USA)
Smart Environmental Monitoring Pilot: Effects on Student Productivity via Surveys and Sensors
Estefania Orjuela Parra, Sam Saleh, Kobe Mendoza, Gabriel Paguio, Cassidy J Rucker, Sarahana Shrestha, Pankaj Lal and Michelle M Zhu (Montclair State University, USA)
Fast Fourier Transform Implementation Project as an FPGA Learning Tool
Ayaan A Qayyum (Rutgers University, USA)
Full Paper Track 06 — In-Person
Teaching Modality and Methodology Analysis for Introduction to Computing Course
Shuting Xu, Lissa Pollacia and Shuhua Lai (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA)
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Impact of Social Media Usage on High School Students' Learning
Rayhan Roswendi (Walt Whitman High School, USA); Xiang Gong (Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, USA)
Automatic Teaching Platform on Vision Language Retrieval Augmented Generation
Ruslan Gokhman, Youshan Zhang and Jialu Li (Yeshiva University, USA)
Innovative PLC Control Algorithms in Buildings Using Automated Code Generation
Amin Al Ka'bi (Australian University - Kuwait, Kuwait)
From Principles to Practice: Using Real-World Examples to Teach Adaptive Maintenance in Software Engineering
Swapna S. Gokhale (University of Connecticut, USA)
Computational Modeling of CircCOPA-Antibody Complex for Novel Glioblastoma Detection and Therapeutic Applications
Kushal Patil (Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Full Paper Track 08 — In-Person
Decision-Level Fusion of Electro-Optic and Infrared Modalities for Improved Aerial Vehicle Detection
Maxwell Felter (United States Military Academy, USA)
Predicting Air Quality in New Delhi using an AUTO-ARIMA Machine Learning Algorithm
Prithvi Kapilavai (San Jose State University, USA); Kameswari Mantha (Purdue University, USA); Eric Arranaga (Jesuit High School, USA); Deepank Dhanger (Evergreen Valley High School, USA)
Exploring Temporal Dynamics of Interaction Density in Collaborative Problem Solving: A Study of Interactions Across Varying Time Granularities
Mengxiao Zhu and Han Shi (University of Science and Technology of China, China); Mo Zhang (Educational Testing Service, USA); Xin Wang and Qizhi Xu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
SSCS Arduino Contest: An International Not-For-Profit STEM Competition
Jeffrey T Wilcox (Cornell University, USA); Jeremy Cosson-Martin and Kathryn Wilcox (Solid-State Circuits Society, USA)
PALS: Personalized Adaptive Learning System
Divith Aruni Babu (Stony Brook University & Con Edison Company of New York, USA); David Westerfeld and Rose Tirotta-Esposito (Stony Brook University, USA); Simona Doboli (Hofstra University, USA); Wendy Tang (Stony Brook University, USA)
Exploring Machine Learning Applications for IoT-Based Honeypots: A Review
Elisabeth C Min (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Full Paper Track 03 — In-Person
Navigating Ethical Challenges in Media: AI Tools for Detecting Harmful Narratives
Andres Fortino (NYU, USA); Siranush Kostanyan, Elaine Zhang, Hillary Liu, Shixuan Lin and Qisong Zhou (New York University, USA)
Teaching STEM with Generative AI: Fundamentals of Data Warehousing
Andres Fortino (NYU, USA); Khizer Faisal (New York University, USA)
A Review of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Interpersonal Space Perception
Richard Z. Li (Longmeadow High School, USA); Sarah Zhang (Beverly Hills High School, USA); Ricky He (Central Bucks South High School, USA); Micheal Zhang (Cherry Creek High School, USA)
Numerical Laboratory for K-12 to Learn and Practice Measuring and Modeling Ferromagnetic Resonant Materials
Anna Keffer, Riley Frevert, Miram Elag, Andrew Raab, Alex Yuan, Paul Biermann, Xiomara Calderón-Colón and Michael Sherburne (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Quantum Education at Minority Serving Institutions: Insights from Faculty Perspectives
Shabnam Sodagari and Ali Rezaei (California State University Long Beach, USA)
ParkinsonAI: An AI-Powered solution for Early Parkinson's disease monitoring and tracking
Eric Zhu (Groton School, USA); Emily Dong and Alexander Zhu (Howard County Public School, USA)
Works-In-Progress 01 — In-Person
Integrated Wireless Sensor Network Platform for STEM Outreach Activities
Ramakrishnan Sundaram, Zoey J McClain and Keegan A. Szewczyk (Gannon University, USA)
Aesthetics and Its Influence: A Behavioral, Social, and Economic Analysis through NLP Techniques
Huixin Sun (Lexington Christian Academy, USA)
Understanding Multidimensional Concepts through Game-Based Learning in the K-12 Curriculum
Ted Samaras (Franklin Township Public Schools, USA); Katherine G. Herbert, Vaibhav Anu, Sumi Hagiwara, Rebecca Goldstein and Stefan Robila (Montclair State University, USA); Jason Wang and Vincent Oria (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Creating the Earth SySTEM Observatory: Integrating Spaceborne and Ground-Based Environmental Research
John D Moore (Institute for Earth Observations, USA & NASA GLOBE Mission Earth, USA); Mason Kramer, John Gallant and Aarav Khatri (NJ GLOBE Institute for Earth Observations, USA); Sriram S Elango (Harvard University & Institute for Earth Observations, USA)
Predicting Global Warming using Artificial Intelligence
Sivakumar O Pichappan (Bergen County Technical High School, USA); Sudhish Macharla (Montville Township High School, USA)
Workshop 11 — In Person
Digital literacy and AI in underfunded schools targeting school teachers
Yugo Iwamoto, Cathy Beaton and April Roberts (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Works-In-Progress 06 — In-Person
Text-to-Sign Language Video Generation Using GANs, BERT, and Sora
Yulia Kumar, Beining Niu and Mengtian Lin (Kean University, USA); Nidhi Mudholker (Edison High School, USA)
Workshop 03 — In Person
Robotics, AI, and Cybersecurity Research and Education for Pre-University Communities
Weitian Wang (Montclair State University, USA); Qiaoyan Yu (University of New Hampshire, USA); Craig Polk (IEEE Communication Society, USA & ComSoc, USA)
Workshop 05 — In Person
Quantum Computing Without Fear: A Beginner's Journey - A-Z Study Guide
Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique (CTIF Global Capsule Aarhus University & Aarhus University Denmark, France); Ramjee Prasad (CITF Global Capsule, Denmark); Albena Mihovska (SmartAvatar B.V., Denmark & CGC Foundation, Denmark)
Workshop 06 — In Person
Improving STEM Teaching, Learning and Sense of Belonging Utilizing Design Thinking and Students-As-Partners models in Higher Education
Lynn Murray-Chandler (Clark University - Worcester, MA, USA); Rachel Molnar, Iris Rosas Ochoa and Owen Nasi (Clark University, USA)
Workshop 07 — In Person
Pay it Forward! Empowering Students Through Hands-on STEM Education - Best practices for teaching hands-on, cost-affordable STEM workshops
Yari G Golden-Castano (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA)
Workshop 14 — In Person
Deploying Low-Cost IoT Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Guatemala: From Installation to Data Analysis
Oscar Rodas and Angel Isidro (Universidad Galileo & Tesla Lab, Guatemala); Gabriela Subuyu and Roberth Bautista (Universidad Galileo, Guatemala)
Workshop 16 — In Person
Full Paper Track 05 — In-Person
Pilot Study on Diverse Learners in STEM through Unplugged Computing
Xin Xu, Sunae Shin, David Kerven, Evelyn Brannock, Wei Jin, Tacksoo Im, Jennifer Arrocena and Hyesung Park (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA)
Empowering Educators with AI: A System for Designing Integrated STEM Projects Using Machine Learning and Large Language Models
Sherif Abdelhamid (Virginia Military Institute, USA); Mona Aly (Independent Researcher, USA)
Factors Impacting Cybersecurity Students' Classroom Success with Their Worries Towards Success
Emre Tokgoz (New York State University at Farmingdale, Turkey); Sergio P Duarte (Farmingdale State College - SUNY, USA); Alyssa Xiang, Julissa Molina, Tanvir Ahmed and Joel Joseph (State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY, USA)
Risk Assessment Factors, Anxiety, and Cyber-incident Experiences of Cybersecurity Students
Emre Tokgoz (New York State University at Farmingdale, Turkey); Joel Joseph, Tanvir Ahmed and Julissa Molina (State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY, USA); Sergio P Duarte (Farmingdale State College - SUNY, USA); Alyssa Xiang (State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY, USA)
Metabolomics and Breast Cancer
Meghan A Cole (United States Military Academy, USA); Andrew Lee (United States Military Academy, USA & US Army, USA); Dylan Hyde (United States Military Academy & US Army, USA); Blake Rushing (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), USA)
Full Paper Track 11 — In-Person
Finding Power: Utilizing a Predictive Language Model to Find Potential Solar Energy Outputs
Soham Mishra and Logan D Miller (Montgomery Highschool, USA)
PolluSpot: A Novel Tool for Teaching Model Training to Middle School Students
Tawakalitu A Giwa (The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA & University of Abuja, Nigeria)
Importance of Diverse Role Models in Education to Support Equal Education Opportunity and Inclusivity
Yugo Iwamoto, Cathy Beaton and April Roberts (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Project-based learning course co-designed with regional enterprises
Yixuan Guo (Southern University of Science and Technology, China & Mechanical Engineering, China); Zhuoxuan Li (Stanford University, USA); Yan Wei (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Xiyuan Liu and Yongsheng Ma (Southern University of Science and Technology, China); Yiming Rong (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Chenglong Fu (Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China)
SKILIKET System in STEM Education: A case study on Citizen Science
Frances Ruiz-López, Angel Daniel Muñoz-Guzman, David Sánchez-Ruano and Jorge Sanabria-Z (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
Experiential Education in Translational Research Through Engagement of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Cesar Bandera (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Works-In-Progress 02 — In-Person
Exploiting Emotion Recognition Models to Automate Pain Level Classification
Andrew Lu (Oyster River High School, USA); Eric Brown (Keene State College, USA); Wei Lu (Keene State University, USA)
Lab4STEAM - a low-barrier grassroots initiative for Polish schools
Marcin Lewandowski (us4us Ltd., Poland); Julia Lewandowska (Wordsmith Forge, Poland)
Security Driven Product Design for Open-Source Medical Syringe Infusion Pumps
Wei Lu (Keene State College, USNH, USA); Elvin Colon, James Fitzpatrick, Lisa Hix and Curtis Mead (Keene State College, USA)
Ansys Modeling to Extract Energy from water-Cooled Solar Panel for Household Applications
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Yagnik Chilamakuri (Basis Independent Fremont, USA); Suraj Madhav (IntelliScience Institute, USA); Venkat-Prasanna Kumar and Vimal Viswanathan (San Jose State University, USA)
Personalizable Multi-functional Drones to support disabled people with Prompt Reaction
Aaron Son (Fairfax County Public Schools, USA); Alice Shin (Battle Field Highschool, USA); Yung-Jun Yoo (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Virtual Screening of Small-Molecule Inhibitors Targeting p16INK4a for Cancer Therapy
Aarya Kshirsagar (Eigen Science, USA); Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Works-In-Progress 04 — In-Person
A Holistic Approach to Improve Learning and Motivation in CS1
Wei Jin, Xin Xu, Evelyn Brannock, Hyesung Park and Tacksoo Im (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA)
Integrating Cybersecurity in STEM Education: Hands-On Learning for the 5G/6G Era
Nicolas Sklavos and Evangelia Konstantopoulou (University of Patras, Greece)
Advancing Quantum Mechanics in Courses of 2nd Year of Engineering Programs
Huber Nieto-Chaupis (Universidad Autónoma del Perú, Peru)
Bridging Isolation: The Power of Professional Learning Community in Supporting Computer Science Teachers
Minsun Shin, Rebecca Goldstein, Katherine G. Herbert and Sumi Hagiwara (Montclair State University, USA)
An Integrated Educational Paradigm for Societal Challenges of the Anthropocene
John C Little (Virginia Tech, USA); Amro Farid (Dartmouth College & MIT Mechanical Engineering, USA)
STEM Education in the Age of Generative AI: Case Studies in Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science to Generation Z and Alpha
Myo Thida (Bard College at Simon's Rock, USA & MMDT, Myanmar); Amanda Landi (Bard College at Simon's Rock, USA)
Works-In-Progress 05 — In-Person
Space Explorers: A Web-based Platform to Supports Space Weather Education Through Storytelling Data Visualization
Angela Brantley (East Orange Campus High School, USA); Katherine G. Herbert, Vaibhav Anu, Sumi Hagiwara, Stefan Robila and Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair State University, USA); Jason Wang (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Exploring Solar Weather through Gamified Folklore and Science with Scratch
Lynn Hazelman (Montclair University, USA & Paterson Public Schools, USA); Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair University, USA); Vaibhav Anu, Katherine G. Herbert, Stefan Robila and Sumi Hagiwara (Montclair State University, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Simplifying Space Weather for Students - A Cross Curricular Resource for all Middle School Students
Margaret Mary S. Menichella (Passaic Public Schools, USA); Stefan Robila, Katherine G. Herbert, Vaibhav Anu and Sumi Hagiwara (Montclair State University, USA); Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair University, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Utilizing modern STEM tools and devices to promote space weather awareness across K-12 grade levels: A work-in-progress report
John Brown, Katherine G. Herbert and Vaibhav Anu (Montclair State University, USA); Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair University, USA); Sumi Hagiwara and Stefan Robila (Montclair State University, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Digital Filtering Techniques for Smart Robots in Pre-University STEM Education
Sabrina Francese (Bloomfield Middle School, USA); XU DU, Michelle M Zhu and Weitian Wang (Montclair State University, USA)
It's You, Not the Robots: A Case Study of Challenge, Interest, and Confidence in Learning Robots
Lynn Hazelman (Montclair University, USA & Paterson Public Schools, USA); Lauren Schwerin (Paterson Public Schools, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA); XU DU, Michelle M Zhu and Weitian Wang (Montclair State University, USA)
Workshop 09 — In Person
GAMED: Gamification for Engineering Design and Problem-Solving
Caitlin Johnson (Bold-Bird Consulting, Inc., USA); Mehdi Roopaei (University of Wisconsin - Platteville, USA)
Workshop 10 — In Person
Working with AI in the STEM Classroom: Reimagining Teaching and Learning in the AI Age
Ibukun S Osunbunmi (Penn State University, USA); Taiwo R Feyijimi (University of Georgia, USA); Stephanie Cutler (Penn State University, USA)
Workshop 13 — In Person
A Workshop with Jersey Shore STEM Ecosystem IEEE Role Models 100 Years of Bell Labs Innovation
Katherine G August (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Workshop 15 — In Person
What are the chances?
Josephine M Giaimo (User Experience Research, LLC, USA & User Experience Researchers Guild, USA)
Full Paper Track 07 — In-Person
Thermal Analysis of a Bifacial Solar Panel Using ANSYS Modeling
Sohail Zaidi (San Jose State University, USA); Akhil Manikandan (American High School, USA); Omkar Anand (California High School, USA); Vimal Viswanathan and Venkat-Prasanna Kumar (San Jose State University, USA)
A Genetic Algorithm for Rule Generation to Predict Student Success
Michael Brown, Madhu Sudhan Reddy Alandur, Somita Chaudhari and Srikar Sistla (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
Challenge-Based Learning: Industry Projects in Design of Fluid Flow Systems
Orlando Castilleja-Escobedo, Yasmany Mancilla, Barbara Arevalo-Torres and Jose L Lopez-Salinas (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
GPT-4 as an Automatic Grading System for Open-Ended Questions in Computer Science Education
Matthias Heimberg (Technische Fachschule Bern, Switzerland); Willi Bernhard (Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
A Cost-Effective Cell Phone Detection System to Combat Misuse in the Educational Setting
Heng Ye (Smithtown High School West, USA)
Full Paper Track 09 — In-Person
TechPark: A Novel Approach for Middle Schoolers to Learn 3D Image Reconstruction from Stereo Images
Andres E. Marin and Saniya Vahedian Movahed (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Students' Sustainable Career Building Strategy using Intelligence Learning - An Innovative Approach to Preserve National Intellectuals
Sai K Kamila (Purdue University, USA); Sai Namam Kamila (Conrad Schools of Science, USA)
ClawAI: A Software Tool Teaching Text Classification and AI Systems to Middle School Students
Yeshaswini Parvatham, Aishat Kolawole and Fred G Martin (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Predicting Student Dropout: Evaluating Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Support Vector Machine Under Various Normalization Techniques
Gehan V Boteju, Shanti Budha and Nathan Ho (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA); Leon Tang (UMBC, USA); Michael Brown (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
Evaluating the Advantage of an AI-Native IDE Cursor on Programmer Performance
Yulia Kumar and Israel Akinwunmi (Kean University, USA); Dov Kruger (Rutgers University, USA)
FaunaForest: A Novel Software Tool for Teaching Decision Trees to Middle School Students
Pragathi Durga Rajarajan, Adrian Cisneros and Fred G Martin (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Full Paper Track 10 — In-Person
Exploring Universal Design for Learning Through Sound: A Survey Study
Huaigu Li (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Jon Bellona (University of Oregon, USA); Leslie Smith (Your Ocean Consulting LLC, USA); Amy Bower (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA); Jessica Roberts (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Teaching AI to Non-STEM Students: A General Education Approach Using Space Weather and Low-Code Tools
James Liporace (Rockland County Community College, USA & Montclair State University, USA); Katherine G. Herbert and Vaibhav Anu (Montclair State University, USA); Rebecca Goldstein (Montclair University, USA); Sumi Hagiwara and Stefan Robila (Montclair State University, USA); Thomas J Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Manipulating Minds with Machines: A Cybersecurity Course Project on AI-Driven Social Engineering Attacks
Aunshul Rege, Micah Featherson, Jacqueline Swope and Rachel Bleiman (Temple University, USA)
Building K-12 Students' Robotics Skills through Collaborative Hands-on Learning
Greg Murray (Bloomfield High School, USA); XU DU, Michelle M Zhu and Weitian Wang (Montclair State University, USA)
Generating Medical Diagnostic Scenarios with LLM-Based Reinforcement Learning Feedback: Dataset Release and Methodology
Aniruth Ananthanarayanan (Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, USA)
AugmentWall: An AR Firewall Game for Concretizing Cybersecurity Concepts and Examining Student Engagement, Learning, and Motivation
Syed Ali Asif, Yiqin Cao, Sotheara Veng, Kristin Chisholm, Teomara Rutherford and Chien-Chung Shen (University of Delaware, USA); Chrystalla Mouza (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Full Paper Track 12 — In-Person
Effective UI/UX Design to Enhance the Appearance of E-Commerce Applications
Yurose Muhammad Rafli Budi Ibaraki (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
Chain-of-Thought Prompting with Large Language Models for Inclusive Learning: Advancing Problem-Solving in Engineering Education and Research
Taiwo R Feyijimi and Sarah Jane Bork (University of Georgia, USA)
Exploring Engineering Students' Attitudes and AI Preparedness: Insights from a Cross-Cultural Educational Study in China
Ravi Ravishankar Rao (Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA)
Professors' Impact on Cybersecurity Students' Learning
Emre Tokgoz (New York State University at Farmingdale, Turkey); Julissa Molina and Joel Joseph (State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY, USA); Sergio P Duarte (Farmingdale State College - SUNY, USA); Alyssa Xiang and Tanvir Ahmed (State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY, USA)
Impact of Social Media Influencers on Users' Dental Care Choices
Emre Tokgoz (New York State University at Farmingdale, Turkey); Asiye Susoglu (New York Institute of Technology, USA)
Workshop 04 — In Person
An introduction to semiconductors for school-aged children using Inquiry Based Learning and hands-on activities with emphasis on the Engineering Design Process
Debra Gulick (Conference Catalysts, LLC, USA); Stamatis Dragoumanos (Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus, Greece); Dawna Schultz (IEEE, USA); Lorena Garcia (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)
Workshop 08 — In Person
Building Secure Applications: A Hands-on Approach to Web Application Security
Sheshananda Reddy Kandula (Adobe, USA)
Workshop 12 — In Person
Digital Alchemy - The Fusion of AI, Biology, Engineering, and VR in Drug Discovery
Gaurav Sharma (Eigen Sciences LLC, USA)
Closing Remarks
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