Keynote Speakers

Session Keynote-1

Keynote Speaker 1 — Jayshree Seth

9:15 AM — 10:00 AM EST
Mar 13 Sat, 8:15 AM — 9:00 AM CST

The state of science: On the global perception of science and the need for STEM Advocacy

Jayshree Seth (3M Applied Technology Lab)

Dr. Jayshree Seth will provide an overview of the 3M State of Science Index, a global survey of more than 14,000 people in 14 countries to uncover what people think of science, and how they perceive its impact on their daily lives. Many of the survey findings highlight the importance of reducing real and perceived barriers to science appreciation and STEM education, not only to ensure that we have a healthy pipeline of future scientists and engineers to solve the complex and global humanitarian challenges we face, but also for society to accept the solutions. She will also provide her reflections on the results so far and perspective on the path forward.

Session Chair

Nagi Naganathan

Session Keynote-2

Keynote Speaker 2 — Dean Aslam

10:00 AM — 10:45 AM EST
Mar 13 Sat, 9:00 AM — 9:45 AM CST

Creative Functionalized Bricks with Embedded Intelligence (FBEI) for Research-Oriented Provocative STEM and Workforce

Dean Aslam (Michigan State University)

Creative Functionalized Bricks with Embedded Intelligence (FBEI), using custom-made LEGO-compatible bricks containing electronic circuits & sensors based on new micro & nano technologies, spark the interest of learners with different backgrounds and preparation levels from kindergarten to Ph.D. FBEI modules are based on a concept called TASEM (technology assisted science, engineering and mathematics)  supported by NSF Engineering Research Center for Wireless Integrated Micro Systems (WIMS) during 2000-2010 under Award Number EEC-9986866. Doctoral students, involved in innovative micro and nano research, interacted with K-12 students and teachers to develop TASEM. TASEM led to unique FBEIs covering many learning areas including energy, power sources, math, Si crystals, computer switches, sensors and miniaturization, micro and nano concepts, technology assisted dancing, psychology, cognitive training, cancer education, microsystem fabrication, system integration, biomedical, and computer science. By allowing user-designs, FBEIs focus on research-oriented and entrepreneurial learning. Over 100 FBEI learning modules were developed benefiting over 2,500 learners nationally and globally. Most of these STEM modules are unique in the world.

Session Chair

Roger Ding

Session Keynote-3

Keynote Speaker 3 — Allison Jackson

10:45 AM — 11:30 AM EST
Mar 13 Sat, 9:45 AM — 10:30 AM CST

Future Work: EE STEM / CTE Resources

Allison Jackson (Allison Jackson Associates)

It is important for engineers, scientists, educators, public health officials, students, and community outreach professionals to understand the impact of change using clear frameworks that create solutions and prepare for skills needed in the future workforce. This talk focuses on examples of four areas of change: people, process, organization, and technology. It provides links to STEM / CTE resources in a separate document. The aim is to support the growth of competencies in each area change to help people crosswalk to new careers.

The work is supported by data collected between 2019 -2021 and focuses on skill crosswalks that help the individual’s pursuit of careers in engineering. Our speaker, Dr. Allison Frazier Jackson will share her experiences serving academic, corporate, government, and R&D organizations. She will also address her new healthcare engagements which require collaborative connections between medical, social services, education, government, and engineering personnel.

Session Chair

Ralph Tillinghast

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